Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tip Tuesday

One of the easiest parts of cake decorating is putting on the border. The most common type of border is the shell border which is pictured below. This is the the type of border I use at work 99.9% of the time. I have to admit when I first learned how to do it I found it very difficult, I could not seem to get how to do it. I originally learned it by taking a basic cake decorating class at Michaels. After that I had a friend show me an easier way and now its one of my favorite borders to do. However without tip #22 I would never be able to create this border. Tip #22 is a large star tip, and is the most common one used for the shell border. There is also tip #32 that has more lines in the shell. I personally don't like the look of this border which is why I stick to using tip #22.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I have been very busy these past few weeks! It seems that our cake orders have increased and on weekends its normal to have 30-40 cakes! That is quite a lot of icing and decorating but I have documented them well and thought I would share some of my favorites.